Monday, December 16, 2013

Chick for Breakfast

Well, an egg and chicken biscuit at Chick-Fil-A. That's about as chick as you get at seventy-five. I ordered sausage but got chicken. Took along Steven Shore for company and grabbed a few photographs--well, one photograph.

Rushed home to process and found a few shots on the card that I had forgotten. Unlike my usual manipulations, these are straight out of the camera with a little bump to the intensity of the color. I think these are photographs of my monitor screen but since I don't remember taking them (remember I'm seventy-five) I can't be sure about that. They were after I read the article at Craft and Vision (I think) about ICM, Intentional Camera Movement. A kick that I am still on.

I don't often caption my abstracts but I think I will title this one The Long Goodbye. I first considered Johnny, Wave Goodbye to Gramps but I like the second thought better. Don't know where the hand came from but I like it.

With all the color I couldn't resist a manipulation or two, maybe six or seven.

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