Thursday, December 9, 2010

Big Bro Turns 83

Dale, my big brother, turned 83 so I gave him a call to find out how it feels to be that old. As usual I didn’t get much of an answer but he had a pretty good excuse. He had gall bladder surgery last week and now has another problem with might require surgery so he’s not the happiest of campers. I think I have decided to wait until after the holidays to go to North Texas. Maybe January or February depending upon how I come out after all the November bills are paid. You might be able to tell that I am by nature a procrastinator—there’s always tomorrow.

Got big plans for the weekend. Wreaths Across America is laying Christmas wreaths at the Houston National Cemetery. Seems like it is
 somewhere around 22,000 and they are asking for photographers to cover the event which begins Friday for the preparation and goes through Saturday. I hope to be able to spend most of my day at the cemetery. I am planning on being there prior to sunrise Saturday morning.

Then on the day after Christmas
the PSHMAP group plans
on shooting photographs of Military Veterans and Military Families. Hope to participate in that.

I almost chickened out on the Wednesday night meeting of Photoshoots Houston Models, Actors and Photographers. But in the end I acquiesced because there were only two people signed up to go, Debi and Quincy. When I got there a model, Melody, and her boyfriend, David, were also there. After some discussion of the various types of modeling Jam got out the lights so that Debi and I could photograph Melody and Quincy. I even got a few photographs that I liked.

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