Bought a 40”x70” 5-in-1 collapsible reflector from a fellow on Craig’s List this morning. Since he was going to be in the Spring area around 10am we agreed to meet at Wunsche Brothers Café and Saloon in Old Town Spring. I got there a little early and took the opportunity to stroll around and do a few photographs. Didn’t get anything very exciting but I did get a couple that I liked. The trains are very active in that area. Having worked for the railroad for a brief period of time I do enjoy trains so I took a couple of shots. I sure wish I had made it to OTS when the Challenger 3985 was there in 2004. There are some great backgrounds there which are few and far between on the flat Upper Coast. Anyway, here is one of the photographs of the UP pulling a couple of gondolas and a string of hopper cars.

Not realizing that Wunsche’s didn’t open until 11am I didn’t want to wander too far away while I waited for Paul so I limited my photography to Wunsche’s and Gypsy Rose’s across the street.
Got a good buy on the reflector, $45 bucks. I have been wanting something larger than the 42” which was the largest that I had. Why, I don’t know. I don’t use the ones that I have.
Just got to thinking. I bought the 42" off Craig's List also and this one was less. For the 42" I paid $35 and drove to someplace out in the boonies around Baytown. The drive probably cost more than the one I got today. Paul started out at $65 and went down $5 every day. When it hit $45, I decided it was within my price range. I mainly wanted the scrim and the scrim alone retails on B&H for $69 so I really didn't do too badly, although you always have to ask, would it have been $35 day after tomorrow--or would it still be available. That's what's fun about Craig's List.

Just got to thinking. I bought the 42" off Craig's List also and this one was less. For the 42" I paid $35 and drove to someplace out in the boonies around Baytown. The drive probably cost more than the one I got today. Paul started out at $65 and went down $5 every day. When it hit $45, I decided it was within my price range. I mainly wanted the scrim and the scrim alone retails on B&H for $69 so I really didn't do too badly, although you always have to ask, would it have been $35 day after tomorrow--or would it still be available. That's what's fun about Craig's List.

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