Wednesday, April 15, 2015

A Quote, Henry Holmes Smith

 A longtime friend recently discovered that I have a second, though sadly unattended, blog. Her interest piqued my attention. I was reading a piece I wrote—well I mostly copied—on Henry Holmes Smith. Now I know most who read my blog do not know Smith and those that do probably don’t care that he is one of the eminent teachers of photography. Late in his life he sat for an interview that is published in Dialogue With Photography, by Paul Hill and Tommy Cooper. I would like to quote his answer to one of the questions asked.

 Q. What are your thoughts on photographic education today?

A. I think it’s excessive, I think people all over the country are busy teaching people things they don’t need to know. They are incapable of teaching students things they need to know and if they taught them things the student needed to know the culture would see that it was quickly extirpated.

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