Monday, May 26, 2014

Brazos Bend

Not far from Houston is a state park that the nature photographers love, Brazos Bend. I am not a nature photographer but over the years I have paid a few visits--not a single one of them produced a photograph that I was excited about. Actually the last two or three times I have been there the lakes were so covered in green goop that you couldn't tell an alligator from a clump of weeds. 

I have no idea why I agreed to go with Alcy and Debi on a shoot with the Katy Meet Up but I did. It was a joint meeting with a hiking group--at seventy-five, to heck with hiking is my mantra. Debi was kind enough to invite us to spend the night with her in Katy so that we would be some thirty miles closer--well actually Alcy sort of informed Debi that we would be spending the night--the gracious part was that Debi said yes. I figured I would be bunking with Eli, her Golden Retriever, but he kindly slept in the living room and left me to my devices in the den. I spent a good deal of the night reading.

About seventy showed up. Got a late start and it was getting hot--temp near ninety today. I managed to make the trip round Forty Acre Lake. Alcy and I turned back at that point but Debi continued on to Elm Lake, another hour and a half of walking. The only good photographs that I got were within six hundred yards of where we parked the car so I don't know why I thought going around the lake would be of value. When I got home I trashed all of the photographs then had a change of heart and retrieved a few from the recycle bin.

Brazos Bend is noted for it's alligators so that is all that I went to shoot. Got these from a fishing pier near the parking lot at Forty Acre Lake. 


1 comment:

  1. I'm with you, Gary - please don't invite me to Brazos Bend, but the second shot is way cool!
