Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Adobe Lesson

Those of you that know me know that I reallly, really don't like Adobe products. A good friend, Alcy, wanted a lesson in Elements and I offered my services. You might also know that I don't cook. For some reason I failed to mention that I hadn't used Elements in some eight or nine years until AFTER lunch. Hey, I was looking forward to something that wasn't Denny's. I was in hopes that Elements was something like riding a bicycle--they say that once you learn you always know how. Well, maybe it wasn't that easy but we muddled through it and she now knows how to Open, Resize, Adjust Levels, Clone and Save--and has some good notes in case she needs a refresher. After some experience at that we will take on additional controls.

She also wanted a new photograph for her Meet Up avatar so we made a few shots on the back patio and then drove over to Meyers Park for a stroll around the pond shooting ducks--with cameras, of course--they're not in season right now. In all a very nice day and I came home with a few descent shots.

A Duck--A White Duck
One of dozens of trees in the park lost to this summers drought.

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