Thursday, January 28, 2010

Dinner at Denny's

I took my lady out to dinner at Denny’s last evening. I had offered to pick up something from carryout and she didn’t look to enthustic about that so I ask if she would like to go to Denny’s and she perked up so out we went. She did extremely well until they delivered the banana split and then she tried to put everything on the table in with the ice cream—the salt shaker, the creamer—anything she could reach. By the time we were finished we were both covered with ice cream along with chocolate and strawberry syrup. I hated to pick up my camera.

This is her new look that I describe as being a cross between a NFL linebacker and the Bride of Frankenstein. However, she has more hair than most linebackers and considerably less than Elsa Lancaster. You can even see the reflection off one of the staples that is holding her together. Would Elsa have preferred that to catgut? I had intended to put on a scarf but with everything that it takes to do to get out of the house I forgot it. Besides I would have look really silly in a scarf. I meant, put a scarf on her.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that is quite a nasty gash there! But I must say she's looking a whole lot better than I would have expected after that last posting! Hopefully that banana split lifted her spirits! :)
