Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Triple A and Denny's

I had already had my one cooking success for the week so we went to Triple A for a vegie plate. Since we were so good, you know, the vegie plate and all, we decided later to hit Denny's for a banana split. Surprisingly she didn't look any happier after she finished it than she did before she started.

Sorry about the fuzzy-wuzzy, I failed to comb her hair after her shower today. She put up a fuss over washing her hair so she wasn't in a very good mood after it was over.


  1. My kind of thinking exactly - eat veggies = banana split for dessert! No wonder Janet doesn't want your home cooking when you'll take her out for banana splits! :)

  2. Jan, that is very kind of you to say but the truth is she doesn't want my cooking for the same reason I don't--it is gosh awful. I have two culinary rules: First, you must be able to open it up, heat it up, eat it up and clean it up in thirty minutes or less; Second anything with four or more ingredients is everything over three too many. I do a wicked dry cereal and peanut butter sandwiches however.
