Thursday, April 2, 2009

Another McDonalds Portrait

Well, I am way behind on posting to the blog. This is not new, maybe a week old, but it is my latest "McDonalds Portrait." This all started out as something to do while I was waiting for Janet to finish her meals but it has turned into a pretty major collection of photographs and frankly, I enjoy doing them. I like how the color of her shirt matches the color of the decor behind the counter in this shot.

I don't remember now why Janet and I were in the vicinity of the University of Houston but this McDonalds is across the street from the University on Cullen. This is a relatively new building and there was either remodeling or finishing up on the décor the day we were there.

Many years ago, when Janet and I lived in Montrose, we would frequently take Cullen over to I45 on the way to the Seabrook Shipyard were we docked our sailboat. One day we stopped at an older McDonalds on Cullen close to this same location, probably replaced with this one. While I was waiting to order there was some confrontation, not so much an argument as cutting up, between a customer and one of the McDonald's employees. When the customer turned away, the employee spit on the customer's order. Needless to say I did not order and for many years did not frequent McDonalds. Just think of all the hundreds of McDonalds Portraits that I have missed over the years.

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