Keeping up with three books, two blogs and a half dozen portfolios is keeping me pretty busy. As usual the learning blog is taking priority and this one is falling behind. In spite of that I can't seem to quit taking photographs. Then to top it off I lost a hard drive and the C drive is getting full so I am spending a lot of time organizing and reorganizing computer files.
Already I have had printed the first and second volumes of the 2008 Photo Journal, each at just under two hundred pages. The third volume is already at two hundred and forty pages. It has been a pretty full year photographically. Past years have been single volumes well under two hundred pages.
Then I am still working on the Saltzman / Woodard 2008 Salon even though as usual I am running behind on two of the three sections. It is really shaping up nicely and I hope Paul is as proud of it as I am. Maybe next year we can do another one.
Lastly I am working on the portfolios and trying to put together a portfolio catalogue. I am having trouble deciding on a format. I have done two or three trials but I am not really satisfied with any of them. I wanted to get two portfolios finished before the end of the year but that is looking doubtful even though the photography is completed for both. I am being encouraged to get the portfolio on Randomness/Derivative Art completed and I would say that it is ninety percent done, except for the decision on the layout. But I am equally anxious to put one together on Houston at Night. I believe I will have a better chance of getting the Night shots hung in Houston than I will with the Randomness. At the same time, shortly after the first of the year I want to get both portfolios up on Zenfolio.
I never expected that I would even consider doing prints for hanging. Paul has been after me for two years and others keep mentioning it but I always resisted. After the Portfolio Challenge at the Northwest Houston Photo Club and the encouragement I got there even though I thought the prints I presented were less than steller has convinced me to give it a shot. It is going to take a major character change for me to want to get out and sell myself and my photography.
I am still carrying a camera everywhere I go and still taking photographs. Larry Belt and Michael Young posted some time motion photographs to the learning blog that turned me in that direction, one I always enjoy because to a great extent it is very close to my obsession with randomness. I also did a couple of shots at the supermarket day before yesterday that is getting me primed to do genre work. So many things to do and so little time to do them.
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