The museum is fascinating and there is no prohibition on photography so the forty-five photographers that showed up went wild. I believe there must be at least one model of practically every commercial airliner ever built and several of many of them. I spent a good deal of time photographing the models but the building itself is presents one photo op after the other. I am anxious to get back where there are not so many photographers around.
This is unusual to be able to attend two photoshoots in the same month and I am signed up for another one to shoot models at Mercer Arboretum on the 29th, I believe. In addition I’ve got the Houston Photography Meetup monthly meeting this Wednesday evening. It is so great to be getting out to do photographs. As much as I want to do it I just can’t get up the wherewithal to do it on my own. Although I do want to get back to the East end pretty soon and I know better than to ask anyone to go there with me without an armed escort. I finally broke down and got the AC in the car fixed so that is one less excuse that I have.
All of the remaining four Wings and Wheels events for this year look interesting. In September it will be the 70th anniversary of the Terminal so they are throwing a big party. That should provide an abundance of photogarphic opportunities and hopeully some old cars to go along with it.
October is going to be the Internation Association of Bi-Planes so that will be quite different. Novemeber I really look forward to. According to the blurb they will have war birds from the Lone Star Flight Museum in Galveston, The Commeorative Airfored (still perturbes me they changed the name from the Confederate Air Force) and the Collings Foundation. That should be quite a shingdig and one not to miss.
December is going to concentrate on plane spotting and will include a tour of Hobby Airport to photograph the passenger planes. I have all four on my calendar.
My only regret is that I never took Janet to the Museum when she could have enjoyed it. Back in the Seventies and Eighties we would drive out to Hobby to watch the planes. Janet loved flying and she loved watching the planes take off and land. She would have flipped out over the Museum, especially a Wing and Wheels event.
nice, nice, nice, gary!!! so glad you had this opportunity and it sounds like only the first (rather, second) of several more. i really liked both that you posted to the discussion blog. my favorites of these are the bottom two. love them!!
ReplyDeleteps glad to hear your wheels are back with AC and of course the terminal has AC too, so at least you were able to stay cool on this one!
Gary: It was awesome to have you at the photowalk on Saturday and finally get to talk with you.
ReplyDelete;-) maybe the spiced peach fairy will bring you some of the peaches next time we are at the same event. I doubt mine will be as good as your Momma's though.