Saturday, August 14, 2010

Photoshoot with the Houston Photowalk Meetup

On the 12th, I was able to make the photoshoot along Heights Blvd with the Houston Photowalk Meetup group. There was a great turnout. Eighty photographers had signed up but not all showed. There was a forecast for 40% chance of rain which combined with the temperatures accounted for many of the no shows. The temperature was much more pleasant than it had been with David but even at that I made it more of a drive than a walk. The walk was scheduled to go south from 11th to White Oak and back to 11th. I drive over Thursday morning to reconnoiter the area and picked out the places that I really wanted to photograph. There were several blocks that were not that interesting and I knew my time would be limited. I would usually stick around until the front of the pack caught up with me so that it wouldn’t seem like I was out there doing it on my own. It also gave me an opportunity to expand the area. I actually covered from 20th Street to a block south of White Oak and stopped to do one shoot on Harvard. I came home with a little over a hundred shots. I was able to photograph many subjects, like the old truck above and the yellow law office door, that the main part of the group missed. Of the houses on Heights I concentrated mostly on photographing the front doors and objects located on the porches, things that had a feel of the Victorian time period for the most part.

I really don’t believe that I did as well on this shoot as I had two nights before with David but I am still pleased with many of the photographs that I took. August Antiques was just about to close as I arrived but when I mentioned that there were sixty or so photographers following behind me they hung around for at least the first group to arrive and have an opportunity to shoot some photographs. Many of my favorites from this photoshoot were done at the antique store. I was surprised by much of what I found on this shoot. In spite of the amount of time that I do spend shooting in the Heights, I mostly shoot around Yale Street and the Heights Village area, I found much that I was not aware of. I could still do two or three more photowalks on Heights Blvd and enjoy them very much. It is a great area full of opportunities for photographs. In truth, I think the most interesting areas of the Heights are the side streets away from the main thoroughfares.

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