Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Good Gracious Charlie Brown She Can Walk Again

Things have gone well with Alcy's knee replacement surgery. Except for a couple of minor setbacks her progress has been good--but now she can walk. And if you have been following this blog you know what that means--Mercer Arboretum.

We got together to hit Chick-Fil-A for wifi and to do some surfing. Everything was going so well then sort of under her breath she said, "You know where I haven't been in a long time." Needed no further description, I knew we were headed to Mercer--well she did promise to buy dessert if I would take her, and she did because I did.


  1. Fine images, Gary, with the last one just triggering all my sensitive points. Certainly worth a perfect print on the wall.

  2. Markus, thank you very much for the kind comment. The last one is my favorite also.
