Friday, May 28, 2010

The Insignificance of Significance

Several years ago, it really doesn’t seem like several but it was, I wrote a lot. Then I went on Lexapro and pretty much quite writing because I wasn’t as depressed. Some time ago I quite taking Lexapro. I would rather write than take Lexapro.

I was looking at Aperture, the magazine, and something brought to mind a piece I wrote about living a significantly insignificant life. I need to pull that out of the archives. That was well before the blogs and I wonder if I would put it differently now. I still think that I live a significantly insignificant life. I have passed through as quietly as I possibly could. Only senility could possibly be responsible for any change in that. Can you live a senile significantly insignificant life? I think I am about to find out.

Life has changed since that piece was written. Janet needs me much more now and to me that is significant. I’m taking a lot more photographs—well actually I am taking photographs. I think when that piece was written was about the same time that I bought the Fuji so things were about to change significantly after fifteen years of not taking photographs of anything except tombstones and courthouses.

A recent exchange with a friend had stirred my interest in once again being me. Not sure whether that is good or bad or even that it is significant. I’m just missing being obnoxious. Okay, okay—as obnoxious as I can be.

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