Thursday, February 26, 2009

My Fashion Plate

I generally pick out what Janet will wear each day and help her get dressed. Which probably accounts for all the gray that she wears. I love to photograph her in either gray or red.

Well, this morning I got engaged in other things so she took it upon herself to dress. When she came into the computer room I had to have a photograph. She had the knit shawl thrown around her shoulder like a boa and the Tilly hat was a little catawampus. I grabbed the yard of dark green flannel that I bought last week at Hobby Lobby and tacked it up for a background because I thought her shirt was greener than it was. I obviously don't have her flair for fashion because what I put on her is not nearly as interesting. I love the photo. I love practically everything Janet does. She is always a surprise.

Janet very seldom wore jewelry and if she did it was very subdued but over the past couple of years I have bought her a few inexpensive pieces and she seems to really enjoy them. Recently when we have been visiting antique shops I have looked at some of the heavier gaudier 1950 period necklaces and I think I will pick up a couple because I think she would really enjoy them. I may yet end up with a fashion plate. Of course I will need to encourage her to wear something more than just socks below the waist.

1 comment:

  1. I like it too Gary. I always love the ones of Janet in her hat and I know she enjoys wearing it. I don't think I mentioned how nice the lighting was on the one with her eyes closed. Janet has beautiful white hair and the lighting really highlighted the top and side in that shot.

    I believe Janet is now making up for all those years she wouldn't allow you to take her photo!
