Monday, March 17, 2014

Debi Beauregard and Foto Fest

Debi has done a series of photographs of two dress forms that she had named Stella and Sophie. She was invited by the Contemporary Art Museum in Katy to have part of the series displayed as part of their biannual Foto Fest. She did ten 30x40 canvas prints which are hanging at the Sugar Land Regional Airport. Today was the opening ceremony.

A week or so ago driving home from Debi’s I hit something on the freeway and blew out a tire. I haven’t had a flat tire in a very, very long time. Our next time together, two days ago, Debi and I made an art crawl through some of the galleries in Houston that are participating in Foto Fest. The next morning I woke up to a flat tire from a strange object, about an two inch long piece of flat shinny metal with what appears to be a knurled grip on one end—no idea what it is. I am beginning to see a pattern here between Debi and flat tires. In spite of that I went to the opening—I had Alcy drive her vehicle. I am waiting for tomorrow morning to check my tires.

I left the photo taking to the other photographers. Should have shot the installation.

Side story: Went to get my tire repaired. I live in a predominately Hispanic area. Tejano music was paying, the employees were enjoying a lunch of tamales eaten off the tailgate of an older Ford pickup, the female pit bull came over to check me out, Spanish was being spoken I was the only white person within who knows how many blocks. I’ve been using the same place since Marie recommend it a few years ago—good service, polite service. However, I found it amusing when I walked inside to pay the bill—There was more St Patrick’s green decorations than I have seen anywhere---I kept looking around for the Irishman but came up short.

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