Saturday, February 15, 2014

Make Up Day

A very long make up day! Things have been very slow lately. Saundra wants to do a moon shoot with airplanes so Alcy and I drove out to Intercontinental and located a place that is looking ideal--next month. I have been working on my Women in Photography, got a little carried away and didn't go to bed till after midnight. Woke up a little after two and was unable to go back to sleep. Finally got up and worked on writing the paper for Reading Photographs until around eight. When out for breakfast, came home changed clothes and headed out to locate a couple of galleries, one of which rents studios--I want a studio but I don't yet know if these will work out. But I am going to check them out.

Afterwards I headed for the MFA to the Made for Magazines photo exhibit with an hour stop at Half Price Books on the way. No one is going to believe this but I got out of both Half Price Book and the museum book store without making a purchase. Anyway, saw in the  museum calendar that there would be a guided tour of the exhibit at two. I spent about an hour in the show then went through with the tour. Got lots of stuff that I want to make notes on so I don't forget them. Came home, ate peanut butter sandwiches, processed one photo and am headed back to the museum to see a movie on Renoir. It is going to be a very long day so I probably won't post until tomorrow.

ADDENDUM: Surprisingly I remained awake through the entire film. Very good--not that I stayed awake although that was good--the film is very good. Renoir can make you want to photographs nudes. Processed a few more of the shots from the museum.


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