Saturday, August 13, 2011

Gotta Pick Up the Pace

Robert Frank devoted two years to road trips across the U.S. During that time he shot 27,000 photographs which were edited down to the 83 published in The Americans.

When Gary Winogrand died he left behind 2,500 rolls of exposed but undeveloped 35mm 36 exposure film; 6,500 rolls of film that were developed but uncontacted and 3000 unedited contact sheets. That is a total of 432,000 images—unworked.

Does that make you feel like you are slothing off?

1 comment:

  1. The importance of the product is highly overrated. :-)

    The process of seeing and admiring the world is where the photographer should stay in.

    However, it ain't easy to live up to that.

