In the process I learned a lot about the interesting life cycle of the Magnolia blossom. The pod that produces the bloom is continually going from a smooth stage to a fuzzy stage. The casing starts out smooth, then it get really fuzzy before it cracks open. The pod that is the petals of the blossom tightly wrapped together comes out of the casing very fuzzy and becomes smooth just before the blossom opens. Then the receptacle, the thing that sticks up like a finger that holds the stamen on the bottom and the stigmas (curly things) on the top gets really fuzzy before it dries up and cracks open revealing the bright red fruit of seeds. It is almost a six month process so photographing it requires having a tree just outside your kitchen window. Because the squirrels eat the receptacle before the seeds are allowed to develop, I have only seen the seeds one time and that was the day before Hurricane Ike hit. I was too busy getting ready for the hurricane (we thought it was going to be a cat 5) that I did not have time to photograph the seeds. Of course the hurricane blew away the pod so I have yet to complete my series.
Above is is a very early stage, the fuzzy casing will get even fuzzier, then it will harden and split along the seam that can be seen running from top to bottom. The outer casing will fall away leaving a fuzzy stage of the blossom that occurs between this stage and the next stage which I photographed below. ISO 1600, f/11 @ 1/125
The is blossom that has emerged from the casing (see above). Here in the smooth stage you begin to see the edge outlines of the petals. In a day or so this will open into the familiar white blossom. ISO 1600, f/11 @ 1/320

These are super, Gary! I love the texture on the first one and also the last one is very nice. I've been shooting magnolias this week too. Hopefully I will have time tomorrow to process some of the better ones and post one or two.